A disciple is not above his Teacher, but everyone who is perfectly trained will be like his teacher.Luke 6:40
Divine Healing Technician
The divine healing technician training from JGLM teaches the biblical truths concerning how Jesus healed the sick. Originally John G Lake taught his students and named them divine healing technicians. Lake taught them not to beg God to come and heal, but that the believer is on the earth on Jesus' behalf to heal the sick. The DHT removes any excuses or traditions that a believer could hide behind to not get out there and begin to heal the sick just as Jesus did in the gospels and just as He has commanded us to do in our lives. Jesus healed all the sick that came to Him. Jesus wants you to heal all the sick just as He did while on the earth. Listening to the DHT puts a godly responsibility on the believer to reach out to the sick in their cities.
New Man Training
The new man training is all about putting on the new man, the new creation. Everything that God is ever going to give you, He put inside of Jesus, and then put Jesus inside of you. If you are born again, if you have His Holy Spirit, then you have everything that you need to live the life that God intended for you. There are over 6 billion people on the planet. God does not have 6 billion wills. God has one will and that is for you to be conformed to the image of His Son. It is time to put off the old man to put off shame, condemnation, fear, guilt, and disobedience. Put on the new man who is renewed in knowledge according to Him who created him. The mystery that was hidden from the foundation of the world has been revealed. Are you walking in it?
Mind Renewal Training
The Word of God commands us to renew our minds. After being born again we become new creations. God recreates our spirit but it is our responsibility to renew our mind. You do not have head knowledge that needs to become heart knowledge. You already have heart knowledge, and after renewing your mind to the truth of God's word, the next step is to obey by putting into practice. This process of disciplining your thoughts is continued until habits are formed. In this training you will learn to rely on the mind of Christ while using practical applications allowing God's nature and Word to be your first response. your mind is only renewed to the degree that it dictates your actions.
Dominion Bible Institute
Dominion Bible Institute is a two year School of Ministry for those desiring to gain an in-depth understanding of the Bible and those desiring to enter full-time ministry. This bible school can be done at your own pace online as well as on site at JGLM headquarters (schedule varies). Some courses include Christian DNA, pioneers of the faith, God's Master Plan, and more.
Swat training highlights the truths and principles that have been used in warfare throughout history. True Spiritual warfare can only successfully be done by a spiritual warrior. This training focuses on maturing the believer to walk in the disciplines of a warrior, while directing their attention to the our enemy over whom we ought to have the victory.